This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Cheryl Barton

Consultant Editor, JAN

Will the licensing consultation do what it says on the tin?

By the time you read this editorial, the long-awaited Open Public Consultation into the Licensing of Cosmetic Procedures (The licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in England, 2023 2...

The safeguarding gap

I have recently been asked to give an expert opinion on a criminal case around safeguarding the public undergoing treatments within a beauty establishment. This was a timely request as it fell just as...

What's in a name?

The NHS website (NHS, 2020) advises the public that when searching for a cosmetic surgeon only registered doctors can perform cosmetic surgery in England. The NHS also advises that patients should...

Crisis, crisis, crisis

The cost of living crisis, energy crisis and climate crisis. With a new and emerging crisis being reported by mainstream media all too frequently, I think I can speak for most when I say that now is...

Personal opinion or professional fact?

‘Always practise in line with the best available evidence. As a nurse, midwife or nursing associate, you have a responsibility to ensure that any information or advice that you provide via social...

NMC issues new guidance on remote prescribing for aesthetic nursing

‘This applies to all forms of prescribing, including remote prescribing; and to all medicinal products, including non-surgical medicinal products being used for cosmetic and aesthetic purposes, such...

‘The ballot is stronger than the bullet’

Shortly before President Abraham Lincoln was assasinated, he is said to have made a speech that asserted ‘the ballot is stronger than the bullet’. He had only just been re-elected and begun his second...

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