This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Sally Taber

JCCP Trustee

Email Sally

Premises standards

The original task and finish group for the premise standards agreed that self-certification of environments is not sufficient to ensure a safe clinical environment and premises should be regularly...

The complaints agenda for the surgical and non-surgical aesthetics market

The JCCP provides a Professional Standards Authority (PSA)-accredited register for the non-surgical aesthetics sector. It offers an informed and legitimate point of enquiry for members of the public...

Time to tame the wild west: working together to tackle the training agenda and ensure appropriate qualifications

For better understanding, let us revisit what has happened in the past. In 2015, Health Education England (HEE), at Government behest and with industry involvement, derived a framework of...

A sense of professional identity?

So, what do I mean by ‘professional’? It is a term loosely used in conversation, so let us refer to some online definitions:.

Looking to the future: professionalism and the role of the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners

In parallel, the profession of beauty therapists has added some of the practices of the medical specialisms to its own menu, the most noticeable crossover being injectable cosmetics and, in...

Misleading or misinformed? Investigations into irresponsible advertising

Recently, the JCCP brought three complaints of advertising malpractice to the attention of the ASA. The ASA reported that the points raised across each of the three complaints were considered prima...

Implementation of the JCCP Premises Standards for cosmetic interventions

The JCCP recognise that premises where aesthetic procedures are delivered vary from practitioners' and patients' homes to Care Quality Commission (CQC)-registered premises, and the scope of these...

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Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the peer-reviewed journal at the forefront of medical aesthetics. We share clinical expertise, practical guidance and professional mentorship to help you develop skills and improve your practice.

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