This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Yan-Yi Lee

Editor, Journal of Aesthetic Nursing

Aesthetics across cultures: implications for practitioners in multicultural Britain

Coming from an East Asian background, blepharoplasty seemed to be a surgery widely sought after where I grew up. Blepharoplasty (also commonly known as eyelid surgery) is a procedure to remove...

Gearing up for the JAN conference

The summer may be here, but over here at the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing, we are hard at work to plan the JAN conference for you.

New areas of aesthetic nursing to be covered in JAN

In the rapidly-growing aesthetics sector, it is more important than ever to keep abreast of the many technological advances that may be of use to practitioners. At the heart of the Journal of...

Expanding the scope of the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing in 2023

The field of aesthetic nursing is vast. A common first impression is that aesthetic nurses primarily work with lots of Botulinum toxin, rhinoplasties, and facelifts. While it is true that certain...

Insights into transgender aesthetics: in conversation with Miss International Queen Colombia 2023

While transgender individuals have existed since ancient times, it was not until the past century when terms such as ‘transgender’ were coined and became more integrated into academic scholarship (see...

Perspectives in aesthetic nursing: new ones introduced and old ones revisited

The Aesthetics Conference and Exhibition (ACE) that took place recently in London is an exciting reminder of the future in aesthetics, both product- and research-wise. Each exhibitor took pride in...

A look back on Aesthetics Conference and Exhibition (ACE) 2023

Aside from multiple rows of vibrant stands (many featuring technology standing at the forefront of the industry), another highlight of ACE was the series of well-received educational sessions. This...

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Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the peer-reviewed journal at the forefront of medical aesthetics. We share clinical expertise, practical guidance and professional mentorship to help you develop skills and improve your practice.

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  • Clinical best practice

  • Practice management advice

  • Professional education

  • Cosmetic industry insights

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