This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Let's get social with the British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN)!

» The BACN has just started a new three-part series on social media. ‘The Power of Paperless’ Instagram Lives are in partnership with Aesthetic Nurse Software. The series will discuss everything...

Cosmetic procedures: the supply of medicines to safeguard consumer health and wellbeing

» Instruments within the Human Medicines Regulations (2012) in England permit medical prescribers—doctors and dentists included—to obtain prescription medicines on a ‘wholesale’ basis, where the...

Tackle the summer slowdown with pre- and post-holiday packages

Not every patient takes a summer holiday, and even if they go away for a couple of weeks that still means they are at home for most of July and August. So what stops them coming into clinic as...

Dismissing an employee respectfully

According to Alexandra Farmer, Head of Team and a solicitor at WorkNest, a fair dismissal procedure consists of two essential components: (i) having a valid reason to dismiss and (ii) acting...

New areas of aesthetic nursing to be covered in JAN

In the rapidly-growing aesthetics sector, it is more important than ever to keep abreast of the many technological advances that may be of use to practitioners. At the heart of the Journal of...

Letters from JAN: terminology matters

As editor, as opposed to having the Letters to JAN section this month, I would like to pass on a message from the head of our editorial board, Nurse Cheryl Barton.

Acne scar management and treatment: a review of the options

Laser treatment of acne scars can be divided into two main categories: ablative and non-ablative (Table 1). Thermal injury delivered by lasers leads to stimulation of dermal fibroblasts, which...

The introduction of polynucleotides

The basic unit of the polynucleotide-based injectable relies on long chains of highly purified nucleotides which form a series of highly stable alpha helixes. The hypoallergenic polynucleotides are...

Patient emotional and psychological safety

BDD is characterised by a preoccupation with an imagined defect in one's appearance, or in the case of a slight physical anomaly, the person's concern is markedly excessive. BDD is characterised by...

Employees with grievances

Every employee has the right to file a grievance at any time, regardless of what it relates to. Further, there is no minimum length of service required to make a complaint..

Selecting your next device

Before you start looking at devices online or at Aesthetic Conferences, you need to understand who it is you treat, who you want to attract and what their wants and needs are. What type of patient...

Assisting your staff with managing rising costs

From an employer's perspective, Charles Cotton, the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) reward and performance adviser, believes that a general review of compensation and benefits...

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Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the peer-reviewed journal at the forefront of medical aesthetics. We share clinical expertise, practical guidance and professional mentorship to help you develop skills and improve your practice.

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  • Cosmetic industry insights

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