This website is intended for healthcare professionals

British Association of Cosmetic Nurses

Going from strength to strength as aesthetic nurses and an association

Peer support is also a must, as many aesthetic nurses work in isolation (Baker, 2020). It can help to develop the role of the aesthetic nurse and promote learning. The British Association of Cosmetic...

Education in aesthetics and beyond

» Although it is beyond the scope of our practice to diagnose or establish a direct treatment, I believe that we should be able to acquire the knowledge necessary to identify a suspicious lesion...

When two worlds collide

» As professionals, we must make sure that we take the time to remind ourselves of these guidelines from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Advertising Standards Authority and...

An exciting year for medical aesthetics

Over the next few months, the BACN will be offering digital events every month, and all events are offered with continuing professional development (CPD) points for revalidation. The next round of...

Updates and innovations in medical aesthetics

Bec Coleman has collated some data from our annual membership survey. Although there were only 121 respondents, we still managed to gather some interesting information about our members. The majority...

Remote prescribing and becoming a key opinion leader

» By combining expertise with passion, an impression will be left on your audience « .

Onwards and upwards

Over the past year, the BACN has been working on two major projects. First, we have been the updating of the competency framework for aesthetic nurses. As many members know, the role of an aesthetic...

A light on the horizon?

The board was very sad to say goodbye to our wonderful events manager, Tara Glover. Tara was instrumental in putting together all of our regional meetings and events. Her passion and commitment to the...

The aesthetic specialism

In March 2021, the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) published a 10-point plan (JCCP, 2021), laying out the goals it seeks in terms of regulating the aesthetics sector, and the BACN...

May, May, what a month

During lockdown, many got involved in the vaccination programme. We had the time of our lives; it was such an honour to be part of this historical event, and it really was such fun. Many patients have...

The true cost of the pandemic

Over 1 year ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic. Life as we knew it changed with this deadly virus that the science and medical communities knew little about. Most...

Why choose Journal of Aesthetic Nursing?

Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the peer-reviewed journal at the forefront of medical aesthetics. We share clinical expertise, practical guidance and professional mentorship to help you develop skills and improve your practice.

What's included

  • Clinical best practice

  • Practice management advice

  • Professional education

  • Cosmetic industry insights

Subscriptions start:

From £11.75 GBP