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Cheek augmentation with dermal fillers: considerations for optimal results

02 March 2019
Volume 8 · Issue 2


The popularity of dermal filler injections to treat a range of aesthetic concerns continues to rise worldwide. One area that can be effectively treated using dermal fillers is the cheeks. A lifted, rounded and volumised cheek can help to reflect ambient light to the eyes and restore a youthful look to the face. However, it is important that the rest of the face is considered when planning treatment, as treating one area and neglecting others can lead to an unbalanced look. Furthermore, female and male patients may desire different treatment outcomes, and it is important that this is considered when developing a treatment plan.

This article explores the factors that must be considered when volumising the cheeks using dermal fillers. This includes patient assessment, skin quality, predicting outcomes, managing expectations, and product and volume selection. Differences between treating male and female patients are discussed.

If lip enhancements are the domain of the younger patient, then, when it comes to fillers, the cheeks are the domain of the over 40s. Known as the ‘coat hangers of the face’, we know that, when the cheeks are in proportion, the rest of the face looks lifted, fresher and younger. Deep nasolabial lines can be softened, jawlines defined and tear troughs hidden when this treatment is performed with skill. Miller (2018) discussed how areas of volume depletion do not reflect ambient light. Rather, they absorb light and therefore appear darkened (Miller, 2018), which draws the eye to these areas (Fried, 2011). By volumising and filling these areas with effective placement of dermal filler, the aesthetic practitioner can allow ambient light to be reflected back to the eyes, making the patient look more youthful, well rested and healthier (Fried, 2011).

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