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Collagen stimulants in facial rejuvenation: a systematic review

In both cases, the search methodology began with a strategy to identify any existing systematic reviews on either substance or brand (as reported above). Peer-reviewed available evidence found since...

Exploring the relationship between young people, body dissatisfaction and aesthetic procedures

Body dissatisfaction—a discrepancy between one's appearance ideal (what they wish to look like to meet sociocultural standards of beauty) and actual appearance—is well documented in Western societies...

How to get rid of visceral fat: a randomised double-blind clinical trial

The technology used was completed in 2008 by Gerald Pollock and Donald Gilbert. The technology was originally built at the University of London for muscle-wasting conditions and multiple sclerosis,...

Dermal filler migration complications following lip augmentation procedures

Research suggests that hyaluronic acid lip fillers usually last approximately 6–9 months before the host's immune response degrades them (Kopp et al, 2013)..

Gluteal projection and augmentation using polycaprolactone-based filler: a promising new indication

A case of a 26-year-old woman who was searching for a non-surgical option to give projection and increase perkiness in the gluteal area is presented in Figures 1, 3 and 4. She had a history of two...

Living with Moebius syndrome

While many with Moebius syndrome are psychologically adjusted and lead fulfilled lives, some may experience psychosocial difficulties. Firstly, facial expression serves as way to convey emotional...

Body contouring using a combination of non-invasive energy-based devices

When someone overeats and is inactive, this raises the question of where fat will be deposited, as well as where fat will be burned when dieting and exercising. This is the typical fat distribution...

Gain without pain: beyond sport effortless exercise solutions

Increased toxicity is the protagonist in all aspects of physical illness. Lack of exercise leads to increased toxicity and increased vulnerability to one or more chronic physical conditions. Exercise...

Treatment protocol and effectiveness of cosmeceuticals in aesthetic practice

Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, affecting the pilo-sebaceous unit (Watkins, 2010; Abdel Hay, 2016). It is characterised by several symptoms: oily skin, rough skin texture,...

Understanding facial anatomy in aesthetic practice

This lack of regulation makes the aesthetics industry open to any person to inject wrinkle relaxants and soft tissue fillers at present with no medical training, no evidence of anatomy knowledge, no...

Techniques for hand rejuvenation with fillers in aesthetic practice

When first assessing the hand, it is important to perform a general assessment including normal function and anatomy. Look for symmetry, muscle movement and strength, sensation and use the Allen's...

Empowering the woman: a comprehensive model of sexual anti-ageing

The different laser and RF methods touting female satisfaction from successful vaginal rejuvenation stand against the strict comments from a number of federal agencies and medical associations..

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