Letters to JAN: May 2023

02 May 2023
Volume 12 · Issue 4


This brand new section - Letters to the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing (JAN) - is one that invites readers to openly share their suggestions and concerns within the realm of aesthetic nursing. This is a safe space to also share one's thoughts about the future of aesthetic nursing more broadly.

We are delighted to have received inquiries within one month of launching the Letters to JAN advertisement. Hopefully the content will resonate with some of you.

This week, Cindy X. writes to JAN:

Dear JAN,

I am not an aesthetic nurse, but I am an avid pursuer of knowledge in aesthetics. I am currently in my mid-30s and am already thinking about channels of anti-ageing for the skin. More so, I am curious to know how to age gracefully from a mental perspective.

As I mentioned, I am not an aesthetic nurse, but would like to know more about inventions in aesthetics. Would it be possible for the journal to have content that tailors more to the general public? Also, I would like to know if there is a possibility for JAN to cover the ideas of ageing gracefully.


Cindy X.

Dear Cindy,

Thank you so much for writing to JAN; I am thrilled to say you are the first person to ever be featured in the Letters to JAN section.

It is wonderful that you are thinking about your future self and more importantly, how to age gracefully. While I do often encounter exciting, cutting-edge research in anti-ageing technology, I often stop to think about what anti-ageing means on a more philosophical level. After all, mind and body can never be fully separated, so moving forward, I fully support your idea of having more articles on ageing gracefully from an emotional standpoint.

Next, I would like to respond to your query on the target audience of JAN. I should say that JAN is primarily directed to professionals of aesthetics medicine (so this can include both nurses and doctors of aesthetics). We do, however, have many clinical articles and research roundups that can keep you up to date with the research involved in aesthetics. Hopefully we can still keep up despite how quickly aesthetic medicine is developing!

Happy reading!

JAN Editor