This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Practice standard for the management of dermal filler complications

To be competent to administer dermal fillers, professionals must ensure that they are able to:.

Aesthetic academies

» With the number of academies providing substandard and negligent courses on the rise, the question is: how do we divert prospective students and existing practitioners to one of the few officially...

The forum for aesthetics education

BACN's history goes back 1998, when a small group of nurses came together to create first-class standards in aesthetic sector. In 2000, they approached the Royal College of Nurses (RCN) for support,...

PIAPA introduces new Chair and Vice Chair

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. I would also like to say farewell to the former chair of PIAPA, Yvonne Senior, who has taken the organisation from a few colleagues...

Implementation of the JCCP Premises Standards for cosmetic interventions

The JCCP recognise that premises where aesthetic procedures are delivered vary from practitioners' and patients' homes to Care Quality Commission (CQC)-registered premises, and the scope of these...

Responsibilities and qualities of an ethical trainer

There is no set formula for how many delegates per tutor there should be, and for some training schools, the prerogative can depend on the complexity and content of the course, as well as the...

The four ethical principles and their application in aesthetic practice

Autonomy is one of the fundamental ethical principles in medicine. It is a term that describes the patient's ability and right to make an informed and un-coerced decision. Patients can only make a...

Taking time to reflect

On 7th February 2019, our Northwest members gathered for a clinical reflection session with a particular focus on lower face toxin. We began by discussing the Association of British Pharmaceutical...

Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, 3–6 April 2019

The conference kicked off with a session on forehead and eyebrow management, with Andre Braz giving a live demonstration of how to treat the forehead in conjunction with the eyebrows. Simon...

Building an ethical bridge to quality in aesthetics

Ethics deal with the character, conduct and morals of human beings. The study of ethics deals with good or bad, right or wrong behaviour; it evaluates conduct against some absolute criteria and puts...

Establishing a miscrosclerotherapy practice: the questions you've never asked

A prescription-only sclerosing solution is injected, with a tiny needle, into the thread or spider veins (telangiectases). This solution damages the endothelium, causing it to fibrose. Compression—in...

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Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the peer-reviewed journal at the forefront of medical aesthetics. We share clinical expertise, practical guidance and professional mentorship to help you develop skills and improve your practice.

What's included

  • Clinical best practice

  • Practice management advice

  • Professional education

  • Cosmetic industry insights

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