This website is intended for healthcare professionals


An introduction to chemical peels for the body

With minimal visible peeling, superficial and medium-depth skin peels require little to no downtime at all (Zakopoulou and Kontochristopoulos, 2006; Landau, 2008). They are a desirable treatment due...

Treatment protocol and effectiveness of cosmeceuticals in aesthetic practice

Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, affecting the pilo-sebaceous unit (Watkins, 2010; Abdel Hay, 2016). It is characterised by several symptoms: oily skin, rough skin texture,...

Treating the lower periorbital area with hyaluronic acid

Notoriously, the lower periorbital area shows signs of ageing before other sections of the face because of the combination of natural bone reabsorption around the lower orbit and the depletion of soft...

An insight into laser tattoo removal: reasoning, methods and limitations

Although the popularity of tattoos is on the rise, many people desire tattoo removal and, often, they are in a hurry to do so for various personal, social or occupational reasons (Aurangabadkar,...

Pigmentation disorders: types, aetiology and treatment options

Melanocytes make two forms of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. The relative amounts of these two pigments help to determine the colour of a person's hair and skin. People who produce mostly...

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