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Can AI help market your brand?

02 March 2023
Volume 12 · Issue 2


Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are changing how we refine and analyse content on the web. Can it be harnessed to help grow our brand? In this article, Jason Ratcliffe introduces two recently developed AI engines and how they can be applied to help us with our marketing campaigns

Until fairly recently, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on specific domains, such as image analysis, general information look-up, or very specific models, such as financial risk prediction or basic primary care triage. The explosion of publicly available information alongside access to cost-effective processing time on cloud computing infrastructures has enabled researchers to train vast generalpurpose neural network models. Eventually, these models will allow us to ask a search engine a question and for it to provide us with a curated response, as opposed to simply generating a list of related websites.

However, these models go far beyond just answering questions – they can help us understand complex topics and can generate full articles or inspire us to dig deeper into a subject.

We will look at two publicly available AI engines – one that can generate quite detailed responses to questions (ChatGPT), and another that can synthesise original artwork based on a description (DALL-E).

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